Super Blue Blood Moon

I think I'm obsessed with the moon. Here are a few images and videos I've taken of the moon in the last few years.
Extreme close-up! Shot this on a Canon 7D, through a Galileo Sky 767AZ Reflector Telescope, without a mounted lens. No crop in post.
Posted by Warren Rodrigues Photography on Thursday, January 16, 2014
Who looked at the sky tonight? Shot this on a Canon 7D, with a 300mm lens - approx. 50% crop in post.
Posted by Warren Rodrigues Photography on Thursday, January 16, 2014
Here's a photo of last night's #magical sky in #Goa, probably due to #CycloneVardah I've also uploaded a video on YouTube -
Posted by Warren Rodrigues Photography on Thursday, December 15, 2016
And here's a photo of the Super Blue Blood Moon.
Three lunar events collided on 31 January 2018:
- Super moon: The moon is unusually close to Earth and hence looked bigger and brighter
- Blue moon: The second full moon in a calendar month
- Blood moon: The moment during an eclipse when the moon appears red
These three events coincided for the first time since 1866 (for context - here are some events that took place in 1866) - a really rare phenomenon that we got a chance to witness.